General Rules
1. Be literate! Try to use proper spelling and grammar; it helps the roleplays run more smoothly. If you’re hesitant about your spelling, try installing a spell checker, it helps out a lot.
2. Be courteous. Treat others with respect, the same way you’d also like to be treated. Please try and avoid topics concerning politics and religion, as many people have different ideas about them and could become offended. If you do have a problem with a fellow member, keep your fights in your PMs.
3. Do not spam, troll or flame. If you need to post twice, use the edit button. Don’t purposely insult anyone or engage in any sort of cyber bullying. Do not try and find loop-holes in the rules.
4. Please don't sign-up, then run away! You'll break our hearts!!! BE ACTIVE.
5. You know we love you and want to check them out, but DO NOT spam or advertise in the Chatbox. We have a WHOLE forum for that!
6. Have fun!!